Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time flies...!!!

Shehar ki is daud mein daud ke karna kya hai? Agar yahi jeena hai doston to phir marna kya hai? The very famous line from the movie Lage raho Munnabhai depicts my picture for this month!

Its been almost fifteen days since I have written my last post. Infact to be honest, the month of May has been a dry one when it comes to updating the blog. This month time has flown like anything. Or rather to be true, I was so dwelled in work that I could not find time regularly to get the flow of thoughts! It was only coding and coding…

But to honestly accept, I would take the ownership for the lagging because I always feel there are 100 ways of not doing a thing, and only ONE way of doing it! And since I am far from being perfect, I always tried one way or the other to not to do it! Anyway, will try to improve on this habit of mine!

The only big thing that happened in this month is that one of my dear friends, Nitin, got engaged on 16th May. And it was his birthday too that day. So I guess he has got the gift of a lifetime. And he has joined the league of many of my friends who are getting married this year, ready to start the next phase of their life!

Wow! Time is really flying! When I think, I feel it is a matter of yesterday only, when we all used to go to school on our bicycles. And today one or the other is about to get married. It’s really been a long time, but feels a thing of yesterday only! Guess we are growing up, at least by age! :-)

We had a get together yesterday and it was all fun! Apart from this, life is moving at its own pace with the same routine! While I am writing this, suddenly the rains have started pouring down, and needless to say, the weather would become awesome now. Guess its pakoda time :-)

God Bless!



Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Sunday...!

Dear Sunday,

You know I do, but I would like to announce it in the public that I love you. And this love is not of today; it is since my childhood and has been growing ever since!

Every week I eagerly wait for you and when you come, my happiness knows no bounds. I just love to be with you and when you are about to go, I become sad!

Though, these days, my idea of spending time with you is mostly related with sleeping long hours, eating and doing nothing. But do you recall my childhood days, how happily we used to be together and doing lot many things? I used to wait for you so impatiently to play cricket with my friends early in the morning. And after going home, how can I forget, Rangoli on DD National used to greet me back! I distinctly remember, at my home you were waited for because of Rangoli! For me Rangoli did not matter. I was more eager for Alice in Wonderland and the Jungle book! Mowgli and friends, Bhageera, Akdu, and Pakdu are still fresh in my memories.

We at that time did not have the X-box or the PS2 as the kids of today have. So our idea of spending your afternoon was to meet at somebody’s home and play indoor games like Business, Ludo, Snakes and Ladders etc. Friendship used to be meeting and spending time with each other.

Evening was again Cricket time again! And in the night, if mood comes, we used to complete our homework and start preparations for school! 10 pm was the time to say good bye to you.

Time has changed and I think so have we. We hardly see the early morning sun when you arrive; Cricket seems to be out of bounds now and the 100 channels TV has taken out the craze for watching anything! To meet with friends, we think twice, thrice or perhaps infinite times before making any plan.

Only one thing is not changed-the anticipation of your arrival!

Be always there for us and be the one you always have been! I love you Sunday :-)

God Bless!



Monday, May 10, 2010

Yeh AAM ki Pyaas hai….Dil MANGO more!

One of the many things that I am missing from Mumbai in Bangalore is Mangoes. The “Alphonso” or the “Hapoos”, as called in Hindi. If Mango is king of fruits then Alphonso without an iota of doubt is the king of Mangoes. The smell, the taste, the texture-simply majestic.

If you take my words, if you have ever taken the Alphonso, you would not savor any other species of Mango to that extent! The Alphonso would keep reminding its taste!

Bangalore being a big Metro city, I had hopes to get the Alphonso here as well. But they turned out to be false hopes, I suppose. I tried a lot to find the Alphonso in Bangalore but the efforts were going in vain as it was not available anywhere I searched.

And since I was not getting Alphonso, I did not have any other Mango! The summer season was going like that only without the Mango!

Lady Luck has a strange way of doing things, and last weekend she smiled on me! Riding on her smile, I luckily had season’s first mangoes. I was out for getting grocery to nearby hypermarket, where I saw Alphonso in the Mango section. Voila!

Hooray! Was my instant reaction! I was excited by the fact that the “mango drought” was about to end! I picked some good ones and got back home happily.

After dinner, when I cut the mango, I was scintillated by the smell! I relished the mango to full and the contentment is beyond words!

Mango is associated with one or two odd pimples on my face but then who cares? Yeh dil MANGO more…! :-)

God Bless!



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is Mother’s Day! I need no words to express the gratitude towards my mom who is instrumental in every sphere of my life.

Thank You Mom! :-)

I would also wish and thank the mothers of all my dear friends because they have given me the gems of my life! A treasure I would forever cherish!

Happy Mother’s Day :-)

God Bless!



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Twitter Twitter little master….

I guess twitter and its tweets are quite ubiquitous these days and perhaps everyone who is interested in social networking knows it. Moreover we have people like Shashi Tharoor, Lalit Modi who have made it quite famous. The reason being, when they tweet, it becomes the headline!

I never felt the need to join twitter because I am currently unable to handle my orkut and face book account. So never gave it a thought to join it. But today I read in the newspaper that Sachin Tendulkar has joined twitter! If God is there, can followers be behind? After coming back from office, I immediately created a twitter account and became follower of him.

I have grown up seeing him play, taking inspiration from him, so how can I miss what he writes?

Keep tweeting Sachin, we will eagerly wait for your tweets! :-)

God Bless!



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Two minutes of your time!

In one of their marketing advertisement, the punch line was, “In the last 20 years we have asked for just 2 minutes of your time”. I feel it is one of the most powerful advertisements of all time!

This hint is probably more than enough, and you might have guessed that I am talking about “Maggi”.

Today, in the evening, after coming from office, I was feeling very hungry. The rats were playing cricket in my stomach! I was in a quandary as to what to have in the snacks, and then suddenly an idea stuck to have Maggi.

It was quite a long time since I last had Maggi, hence readily agreed to the idea. After having Maggi, it was a great feeling and just sharing the thoughts that came to my mind-

Almost each and every kid in our country, and for that matter, especially bachelors are aware of Maggi. You will find a packet of Maggi in the inventory of each and every household. For bachelors it is savior and a perfect substitute for a meal. Not willing to cook or when the cook has taken unplanned leave or when you just feel lazy going out, Maggi is the one and the only one substitute. And at the basic level it asks for bare minimum of things for cooking- water and a gas stove! To be more precise, it needs only hot water. If you do not have gas stove and still have something that makes water hot, you can very well relish Maggi. To add some nutritious value and enhance the taste, add some season’s vegetables to it!

Such is the impact of Maggi that it has made itself synonymous with Noodles. Whenever somebody says “noodles” the first picture that comes to mind is that of Maggi.

Maggi is one of my favorite likings and like as I said it always saves me from the troubles and fills my tummy. I have association with it quite a long time for now and I know it is going to be there till the Maggi or I, any one of them is here under the sun.

In my childhood days there used to be an advertisement on TV, “2 min ruk sakte hai, sir ke bal reh sakte hai, badi gazab ki bhuk lagi” It told what you can do in those two minutes when the Maggi is being cooked!

Maggi and I got close when I took leave from my home for engineering studies. It became the secondary supplement and times it used to be the primary diet! It tasted even much better when we used to study late during the exams time. During exams, as soon as the clock ticked 12.00am, it was the time for our Maggi break! We used to relish Maggi with a cup of Ginger tea and they used to provide us the booster for the next 2 hours to study! Maggi tastes best on such occasions.

Maggi does has a fair share of competition from Top Ramen and various other brands that have made their debut in the “Instant Noodles” arena but Maggi stands a league apart. I have tasted Top Ramen also, and it tastes slightly different from Maggi. In some instances, I have felt that it is better than Maggi! So just for variety and giving a different tang to my taste buds, I always pick a packet of each from the hyper market! I am an equal opportunity eater :-)

Thank You Maggi for filling our tummies when we need it the most!

God Bless!



Monday, May 3, 2010

कुछ पंक्तियाँ...

मगर दीप की तरह.
स्वयं जलकर भी दूर करे अन्धकार,
इतना होने पे भी न करे अहंकार,
बनो उस दीप की तरह.
मगर दीप की तरह.

जो कभी न आएगा, उस स्वर्णिम कल के पीछे भागता रहा
जो अभी हाथ में है, उस सुनहरे आज को गंवाता रहा ...