Saturday, June 5, 2010

Go Green! Do we really care?

Today is World Environment Day. Yet another day, where everyone speaks about caring for our environment and then forgetting it till the day appears again next year!

Do we really care for our environment?

The term “Go Green” seems to be ubiquitous these days. You will hear it from every second person you talk to. The moot point is how many people actually intend to “Go Green”, because it is really very easy to say and equally hard to implement. For many people, going green is just about wearing green tees!

You will notice that big corporate people when it comes to give lecture on environment consciousness, would speak of using public bus and car pooling and the very next day would be happily travelling in their air conditioned cars!

The irony of situation is that to promote the “Go Green”, we actually end up in wasting invaluable resources. Have you ever wondered, how much paper we waste in taking countless printouts which has written “Go Green” over them or creating the “Go Green” posters!

I think we will contribute towards the betterment of the environment, only when each one of us starts doing something at the very grass root level to the best of our capacity! It could be as small as reducing the number of printouts! Small steps do make big leaps.

Let’s join hands in creating a better world, not just saying about it! Charity always begins at home!

“Go Green”!

God Bless!



1 comment:

  1. Very well said....we are just talking green rather than going green...I read a thought few days back...Definition of Human Beings - A species which cut trees, make paper and on the same paper writes "Save Trees"
