Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cooking Shooking- Hai Rabba!!!

Its been quite a long time to update the blog. Infact, if I see there is no post against August month. The posts that I put in August, two to be precise, are showing against July because of the time zone difference.

To be very honest, I wasn’t busy at all with the office work! The reason for not writing could be primarily attributed to dealing with so called “contingency” in Software terminology.

On seeing our cook’s behavior, we had an inkling that our cook might leave on any day! And it happens, sometimes your intuition does get true without giving a knock! One fine day, our cook called it quit ! We were left on our own. Till the time we get a new one, I decided to take the charge of cooking in the evening. I used to cook everything but chappatis. That I feel is the toughest part in cooking- kneading dough and making chappatis! As an easier option, we used to get chapatis from a hotel nearby.

It is because of this, I could not manage time to write. It really takes time to cook! However, I enjoyed cooking, so did my friends who ate the food! I had a good time experimenting with things and exploring the world of vegetables and lentils.

As they say, nobody is irreplacable, we got a new cook yesterday and hence I have time today. He is doing good work and lets see whether he maintains the tempo or not!

God Bless!



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