Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is all about smiling and get going

The other evening I was sitting on a bench near to my society garden watching children play. They were all playing merrily and everyone had that big smile on face. Children are the best gift of God not only for their parents but also for the people they come in touch with. They are the only ones probably who can bring a smile on your face at any given time and situation. They are the ones who teach you that life is all about smiling! I was simply smiling looking at them and enjoying my time.

At the same time, I saw an uncle trying to teach his son riding a bicycle. After initial lessons and helping him out with the balancing technique, running behind him by holding the back of bicycle, he said-‘Go on Son. Try it out yourself.’ He came and sat beside me.

His son probably had a fear of falling and was hesitant and reluctant to try it out on his own. However his father kept on encouraging him, ‘Don’t worry, Papa is here.’

I exchanged greetings and said, ‘Why don’t you put in side wheels in the bicycle? This way I guess he would learn quickly and would not fear as well.’

His reply was quite polite, ‘You are right. But I don’t want him to start on a note that something is aiding him. I want him to learn on his own independently. One has to fight his own battles, he should understand that.’ I was quite amazed by the answer. But he was not wrong either. One has to fight his own battles. And if one inculcates that feeling early, the better.

Next moment I saw the little one trying to ride his bicycle. He fell in his initial couple of attempts. He looked at his father and his father simply said, ‘Don’t worry, try again.’ And he would simply smile. His perseverance deserved applause because he was not in the mood of giving up what so ever. And as they say, perseverance always pays. After few failures, he was finally able to strike a balance and ride the bicycle. After completing a round, he came near his father and while trying to stop, fell down again. His father picked him up, gave a peck on his cheek and said, ‘Well done. Go and try it again. This time stop slowly and put your feet down after that.’

He was all smiles and geared himself up for the next trip. Here I was just sitting and smiling, appreciating the feat of the kid.

Later in the day, I pondered over the scene again. Life is like that only-

1. You have to be on your own and fight your own battles.
2. It will throw you down at times. It’s your choice to keep your smile intact and get up and get going or simply give it up. First option is easier I feel.

I must say, Wordsworth has rightly said, Child is the father of man. They can teach us a lot!

God Bless!

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