Friday is here, yet again-Yippee! I always love Friday, for it marks the end of working week and reminds that weekend is just about to arrive. However, I am not going to write about Friday for because everyone, at least people from my field know how the spirits and smiles increase on a Friday!
I am just tapping on the keys of my laptop, giving them a big pain on Friday, just to share my thoughts on the wonderful 2 days training on Leadership that I attended in my organization. My organization believes that I am a potential leader. Boy! Whether I am or am I not, at least someone believes it. So as a result of that, I was asked to enroll in a 2 day leadership training program that gives an insight as to what is expected out of a leader.
And the answer to the question that what is importance of a leadership could be found in the following old saying-
‘An army of sheep led by a lion is stronger than an army of lions led by a sheep’.
Most of us as per our perception, know very well that what is expected out of a leader. And that perception, more often than not, is the list of qualities that we like or get pleased from. And what we all tend to forget is that a leader has to deal with many complexities before arriving at a decision and have his own set of problems, which people really do not bother before vouching their opinions or criticizing. However one fact remains the same that it’s the leader who drives the success and is the one who manages failures. Mostly people are good at former and the real test comes in the latter.
In my opinion, every individual has the qualities of a leader in one way or the other and it’s just how he or she grooms his or her qualities to rise and grow.
The class I would say was just simply superb and trainer had lots of enthusiasm and energy and he shared an insight on everything related with leadership in 2 days and what are the situations or challenges that we would face as we grow and march ahead. We also had a lot of group activities which made learning all the more fun-experiential learning I would say. There were many aspects of leadership that were discussed by playing those games.
In between the breaks that we had, the trainer told us that what all he is doing within the organization and outside it. He showed us his online repository of e-books, materials to read etc. He himself writes few blogs. I was amazed by the person’s quest for knowledge. He emphasized that he reads and reads and that does not make him tired. His simple mantra was to acquire as much as he can in this short span of life time.
There are people who impress you at the first go. I was impressed by this guy the very first time I introduced myself in the class. And after knowing about him so much, I took an inspiration that I should also grow my quest for knowledge.
I truly appreciate the person I am and I really believe that I have many good qualities to take my knowledge to a new level but somehow I tend to postpone the things. And what I sometimes fail to realize is that there is no “tomorrow”. Life is really very short and time is moving at a breath taking pace. So if you have killed time today, you have wasted precious moments that could have added value to your life. I learnt a very good lesson in my class-“If you want to concentrate, disconnect the internet.” And that probably is a fact. When I do not have internet, I would not even open my laptop. And when I have it, I would do everything to kill time.
Another good thing that inspired me out of my trainer was that “You are the in charge of your dreams and your career.” It is your responsibility and will that will decide how will grow in your career and how will you be able to achieve your dreams. Nobody else in the world will bother about it. And this is also a fact. It’s us who decide what direction we would take. He inspired us to do whatever it takes to make our life better for ourselves and makes us feel good.
To be honest, I really feel charged up after the 2 day class. And I really hope that the quest for knowledge grows within me. All the best Aditya!
God Bless!
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