Thursday, April 8, 2010

Code Name God!

God, I think, is perhaps the most difficult code to decipher! He can’t be seen, can’t be heard but yes can’t be felt around like the cocoon of air. Yes! He can only be felt or experienced. No logic in the world can explain him! It takes only faith to understand him. If you repose that faith you will find that he always walk with you holding your hand!

I firmly believe in him and I think majority of the people in our country or rather the world believes in him. Exceptions are always there though and you will find a lot of atheists also! But I have seen, few people, turning from atheist to theist when smitten by bad times.

It is Thursday today, and as a part of my routine I went to the Sai Baba Temple nearby to my house. On Thursdays, I make it a point to visit the temple, if I can. Although, it is sort of a rule, but not hard and fast one. Sometimes there are circumstances, like coming late from office etc, I miss it. God resides in my heart for me but visiting temple provides a different league of tranquility, beyond words.

I made an interesting observation in the temple today. I saw a lot of small children with their parents in the temple. It is not a very uncommon scene yet I put my thoughts on it today. I saw the children joining their hands in the front of the supreme. I am sure they were doing what the parents were telling them to do, unknowing of what they are doing. I was keenly observing. While returning home, I was thinking on this only.

I suppose our roots to being a “theist” lies in this matter of fact. We are told to believe in Him since our childhood only! Our parents take us to temple when we are kid. There are lots of poojas performed in our homes on special occasions. We are told of his supremacy. We are told that, “He always does for best. He will take care of us”. And since the pot becomes as the potter moulds it, we start believing in the almighty as we start growing up! We start believing in a “fact” without actually knowing anything about him. However, the problem comes when we study science and start questioning. Science find reasoning in everything whereas “He” starts where all the reasoning ends and belief begins!

Though however questionable we become, pretty soon we start experiencing him! Just remember how many times have you might have said, “God Please help me in passing this exam!” I do not know about anybody else but I have said it for almost all the exams that I have taken! And remember going to temple for distributing “Prasad” after passing the exams with flying colors!

If you believe me, he really does make his presence felt, one way or the other!

यह तो विश्वास की बात है. मानना या न मानना अपनी अपनी इच्छा है!

God Bless!



1 comment:

  1. I agree..cent percent..
    God is like a Wind..
    We can never see the wind, but we can see or feel its effect over others such as trees,kites etc...
